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Almost all settings are specified through environment variables, except server network related settings.

For example:

You can add it before the command

CONTENT=../mycomics/ thumb=/tmp/thumb/ comiclib
Or set it first
export CONTENT=../mycomics/
export thumb=/tmp/thumb/

set CONTENT=..\mycomics\
set thumb=C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\thumb\

Environment variable keys are generally not case-sensitive.

The following is a list of available settings:

Environment variable Description Default value
debug Turn on debug output (True/False) False
loglevel Log level (DEBUG/INFO/WARNING/ERROR/CRITICAL). If debug is True, it will be overwritten to DEBUG INFO
content The path where the comic file is stored .
cover The path where the generated cover thumbnails are stored ./thumb
thumb The path where the generated page thumbnails are stored. If not provided (None), will be the same as cover. None
metadata The URL for metadata database, refer to SQLAlchemy documentation sqlite:///./comiclib_metadata.db
password Admin password (also used as API Key currently) 1. If it is None, any visitor will have editing permissions. This feature is designed to protect against gentlemen but not villains. If you need security protection, please use e.g. the HTTP basic authentication of the reverse proxy, Cloudflare Access or TLS client certificate, etc. None
skip_exists Skip comics that have been scanned into the metadata database during scanning? (True/False) True
watch Monitor comic folders and automatically scan (True/False) True
display_title_format This string specifies the format of the display title. {title}, {subtitle}, {path} can be used as a placeholder. \n will be escaped as a newline. Title cannot be edited while this is set. None (original title)
UA_convert_jxl For requests with matched user-agent, convert JPEG XL files to other popular formats on the server side. The value is a regular expression. Android
UA_convert_all For requests with matched user-agent, convert all files to other popular formats on the server side. The value is a regular expression. \b\B (will not match anything)

In addition, there are settings for scanners, please refer to the respective instructions.

  1. The security system may change in future versions, including the meaning of the environment variable password