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Details about scanning and watching

Triggers of scanning

Scanning can be triggered in the following four ways:

  • When starting ComicLib, perform a full scan
  • After ComicLib is started, if watch=True, creation/modification events (only files) are monitored in the directory indicated by the content environment variable.
  • Manually run the comicscan command for a full scan
  • Call the scan interface to scan a specific file/folder, e.g.:
from comiclib.scan import scan
scan(["content/comic/to/scan"])  # The path should be a subpath to the directory indicated by the `content` environment variable
# For folders, this means trying to treat the folder itself as a comic rather than searching for multiple comics in it

Use the same environment variables when executing the above command. If the setting involves relative paths, keep the working directory consistent.

Scanning process

  • All files/folders in the directory indicated by the content environment variable are candidates for comics
  • Relative paths are an important identifier of comics. This means that if a comic is moved elsewhere, ComicLib will think it is another comic; comics with the same path will be skipped when rescanning, unless skip_exists=False; move the entire comic library elsewhere and modify the content environment variable to keep the relative relationship unchanged will not need a rescanning.
  • The main part of ComicLib is only responsible for traversing the comic library. The judgment of comic files are completed through scanners.
  • Scanner is also responsible for metadata analysis and thumbnail extraction of comics.
  • During a complete scan, if an error occurs in the scanner, the entire scan will be stopped to allow the user to determine the error, but the scan progress will be retained.
  • Errors encountered during monitoring will be ignored.