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Getting started


The recommended way is to install via pip.

Make sure you have ๐Ÿ Python โฉพ 3.9 installed

Due to PEP 668, you may need to install within a virtual environment, take venv as example:

Install directly with pip

If you don't want to use a virtual environment, you can install it directly with pip and add --break-system-packages.

python3 -m venv /my/new/venv/position # (3)!
source /my/new/venv/position/bin/activate # (2)!
pip install -U "comiclib[full]" # (1)!
  1. [full] specifies a full installation. -U specifies upgrading ComicLib if an older version exists.
  2. Since the virtual environment is not the default environment of the system, you need to run this command to start the virtual environment before starting in the future.
  3. The files required for the virtual environment will be created in this path.

Open a command prompt or PowerShell and run

pip install -U "comiclib[full]" # (1)!

  1. [full] specifies a full installation. -U specifies upgrading ComicLib if an older version exists.

Install from GitHub

If you want to try out the latest features or fixes, consider installing from source:

pip install -U "comiclib[full] @ git+"

Docker (Experimental)

Minimal installation

Image with tag v0.0.6 (without -full suffix) does not ship the ehentai metadata database, therefore its size is much smaller. You can download the ehentai metadata database to /userdata if you need it.

docker run -p 8000:8000 \
--mount type=bind,source=<YOUR_COMIC_DIRECTORY_HERE>,target=/root/comiclib \
--mount type=bind,source=<USER_DATA_PATH>,target=/userdata \
ComicLib now runs at http://localhost:8000 .

P.S.: Monitoring comic folders is disabled by default for Docker currently.


Change the working directory to the location of your comic library and run the following command to start:


Do not have irrelevant *.py files in the working directory, as they will be mistaken for scanner.

It will automatically scan comics in the current working directory. See Scan Script for details.

If you use ehentai

It is strongly recommended to download the ehentai metadata database api_dump.sqlite to the working directory from here first. For details, see Scanner.

Do not change the working directory arbitrarily

The metadata obtained by scanning is stored in the working directory by default, so it should be the same directory the next time. You can set the metadata database to an absolute path so you don't have to worry about this problem.

After waiting for the startup completion prompt, you can now open http://localhost:8000 and start reading.

Almost all settings are specified through environment variables. You can find all environment variables in Settings. The following is the most common example.

Want a complete fresh start?

If you made a mistake and want to start over. Just stop the program, delete the metadata database (./comiclib_metadata.db), delete the thumbnails (default is in ./thumb).

Specify the location for scanning comics

The default scan location is the current working directory, which can be specified via the environment variable CONTENT.

You can add it before the command

CONTENT=/my/comics/path comiclib
export CONTENT=/my/comics/path

set CONTENT=D:\my\comics\path

Modify the bound port or IP address

Instead of run comiclib directly, run with the following command

uvicorn comiclib.main:app --host --port 80
where --host specifies the bound IP ( enables LAN access), and --port 80 specifies the bound port.

Configure server network related settings through uvicorn

Server network related settings are configured by uvicorn. For example, you can bind to a UNIX domain socket via --uds and automatically reload during development via --reload. For more information, please refer to uvicornโ€™s documentation.

Advanced: High-performance running with Gunicorn (only for UNIX-like systems)

Gunicorn provides powerful concurrency performance. It does not run on Windows due to its reliance on UNIX's fork functionality.

Install via pip (of course, if you use a virtual environment, activate it before any installation or use):

pip install gunicorn
gunicorn comiclib.main:app --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --bind
80 --preload --workers 4

  • --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker is required for gunicorn to utilize ASGI;
  • --bind specifies the bound IP address and port;
  • --preload --workers 4 specifies multiple workers, here are 4, which can be increased according to the performance of the server.

For more settings, please refer to Gunicorn's documentation.

In the end your command might look like this (my personal use case):

CONTENT=../mycomics/ thumb=/tmp/thumb/ display_title_format='{subtitle}\n{title}\n{path}' gunicorn comiclib.main:app --worker-class uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --bind unix:/tmp/comiclib.sock --preload --workers 4
CONTENT=../mycomics/ thumb=/tmp/thumb/ display_title_format='{subtitle}\n{title}\n{path}' uvicorn comiclib.main:app --uds /tmp/comiclib.sock --reload --log-level trace
for debugging. Then use Nginx to reverse proxy to HTTPS connection.